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I've been wedding planning, y'all.

I have lately been getting REALLY excited about wedding planning for my October 2022 wedding! If that's the kinda thing that you get jazzed up about too, please indulge in some pinsteration with me!

I've been a wedding photographer for over a decade, and lemme tell ya! I have a good idea of necessary and unnecessary expenses for a wedding. I love all of my vendors OF COURSE! But! I'm also down to DIY what I can and invest in the things I know will be enjoyable for my guests! At the end of the day, experience is what matters!

  1. PAMPAS GRASS! Where I live, this stuff is everywhere for free. I don't care if it's done a lot. I like it and did I mention it's free?

  2. PAINTED PALM LEAVES! Another decoration that can be free or super cheap. I'm all about that! I'd really rather invest in food and music and drinks for my guests, ya know?

3. GLASS BOTTLES! An easy thing to thrift & recycle and even DIY! I once saw Martha Stewart paint the insides of glass bottles and I plan on doing that as well, for a free/cheap way to keep my color pallet poppin!

4. That's a groom & bride Inso I found on Pinterest & upon searching, realized it's @officiallyquigly and she's goals AF all day. I love this pallet so much & Taylor will for sure be rocking a similar rust colored suit. So cute.

5. TAROT INVITES & ELEMENTS! Our wedding is in October, so we want to bring in the witch elements where we can!

Those printable tarot invites are from Etsy shop Birdhouse197. Love it. 6. AMBER BOTTLES! I collect these! Definitely will be scattered around. The table number and sparkly ambiance in this lil pic is cute too. 7. PAPER STAR LANTERNS! Uh these are cute and a prefect way to pull together my celestial, boho theme. Oh & probably pretty affordable. Did I mention I don't want to blow money on decor? 8. BRIDESMAID DRESS PALLET! Also planning on having the suits in the same varying colors. So pretty I want to barf.

Lot's more wedding brain dumps to come. Comment below (can you do that on here? lol) if you like this kind of post and what you'd like to see more of! -Mandy

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